Looking for the right job for you isn’t just about sending the perfect resume. There are three main actions you can undertake to successfully find work in Australia. Follow the guide!

Networking is key in your search for work in Australia

Find the right type of networking for you

When we think about networking, we often think about awkward after-work events made and frequented by extroverted people. But this is only one side of the coin! Introverted people also have their part to play in networking, notably on LinkedIn or other professional platforms. If you are an introverted willing to go out of your comfort zone, you can go to a networking event with a friend, or ask a newly met acquaintance if they can introduce you to the people they know in the room. 

However, if you feel that after-work events are still not your jam, joining a club or an event based on your interests can be an excellent way to network. We’ll never say it enough: networking is even more efficient when applied to all areas of your life. What if your mate from the theatre club knew about someone that could lead you to your dream job?

Help people, and they will help you in return

Once you’ve met someone of interest, don’t forget to follow-up! Keep in touch regularly via social media or even in setting up a monthly coffee meeting with your new acquaintance. Also note that when networking, you must be able to offer something to your interlocutor. Do you know someone who works in the same sector as your new acquaintance? Put them in touch! 

 However, don’t panic if you’ve been referred to a potential employer by someone you met while networking and can’t think about a person you could them introduce to. Firstly, you don’t have to “pay them back” straight away but should be open to help them in the future. Moreover, there is more than one way to help people. You can send them an article or a report that is relevant to their concerns for instance.

A well-written resume and cover letter are essential to find work in Australia

Write your cover letter

Nothing new here: a good cover letter is indispensable to find work in Australia. Think of your cover letter as a pitch: if well-written, your cover letter will encourage the potential employer to read through to your resume. It is therefore essential to personalize your letter to the job you’re applying to. Some of the key parts of the letter will include your qualifications, your experience, your achievements but also some calls to action. The letter should respond to some of the following questions: Are you reliable? Do you have enough experience? Will you fit in the company?

Create your Australian resume

If you want to find work in Australia, you will have to build your resume in the Australian way. Forget the photo and the date of birth: it is illegal for employers in Australia to ask you for information such as your age, marital status, religion, sexual preferences, or nationality. Your resume should be 2 pages long if you recently graduated or are new to the workforce. However, if you are an experienced professional, 3 to 4 pages are recommended. Your resume should also include the following sections: your skills, your work experience, and education. References, on the other hand, are not mandatory and can be given on request.

Mastering interviewing skills will skyrocket your search for work in Australia 

Prepare the interview

Many people are looking for work in Australia. Researching the company and reviewing their website in depth is the first step to undertake to make a difference. When looking at the company’s website, clearly identify their goals and struggles. Then, determine which skills and experience you have that could help them achieve their goals and address their difficulties. 

Aside from this very important background research, imagine the questions they are the most likely to ask you and prepare your answers. Note the questions you want to ask them too.

Stay polite and confident

On the big day, make sure to arrive on time. If you don’t know how to dress, always choose to overdress instead of underdressing. Your body language, as well as your appearance, will be the first thing your potential employer will notice, so dress smart. Try to speak clearly and calmly with confidence; remember that it’s a conversation between two people, before anything else! The decision is on both sides; the interview is an excellent opportunity for you to get a feel of the company and to decide whether or not you like it. Either way, once the discussion has come to an end, send a thank you letter or email. Remember, networking is essential to find work in Australia; if the interview went well on his side, your interlocutor might well recommend you to someone else!

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